Litigation And Dispute Resolution
Promissory Notes And Payment Agreements

Promissory Notes And Payment Agreements
We assist our clients on the drafting and review of all types of negotiable documents as executive titles as security for loans or debts, whether it is a Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, or payment agreement with clauses recognizing and accepting the obligation.
It is important that the creditor of the promissory note, bill of exchange or payment agreement clearly understands that these negotiable documents have a statute of limitations period for their execution at the Civil Courts in Panama. Failure to exercise your legal action in a timely manner within the term contemplated by our legislation will result in the loss of the right to recover the payment of the debt.
Our law firm provides all the necessary support in commercial and judicial matters to obtain the recognition of the executive title by means of executive process in the Courts of Justice.
For proper counseling and representation in this matter please contact us at