Food And Beverage
Application to Food and Beverages Registration

Application To Food And Beverages Registration
Any product for human consumption sold in Panama must have a sanitary registration previously approved by the Food Protection Authority (APA) of the Ministry of Health of Panama and the Department of Food Protection of the Ministry of Health.
Based on the local provisions in force, the requirements to apply for the sanitary registration of imported products are as follows:
- Name and general information of the applicant
- Name of the Product
- Name and complete address of the manufacturer
- Name and address of the plant
- Country of origin of the food or product, as well as the country of origin, when the final pre-packaged food is imported from third countries
- Description of the product
- Certificate of free sale (CFS) or equivalent, issued in the country of origin of the product or in the country where it is marketed, in the case of imported products
- Quali-quantitative formula of the product
- Description of the manufacturing method of the product
- Information concerning the conservation and stability of the product
- Digital or scanned copy of the original label or artwork identical to the original of the food
- Description of the lotting system
- Any other technical and scientific information that the competent authorities establish to preserve food safety
The validity of the sanitary registration of an imported food product is for seven (7) years, extendable for equal periods.
At J. QUIJANO Law Offices we ensure to advise and guide all our clientele in a professional manner before marketing and selling it in Panama, always guaranteeing that it complies with all the regulations in force in sanitary matters.
It is important to mention that having a sanitary registration always provides the security and confidence that the consumer is looking when purchasing a product.
For more information about our services in this practice area, please contact us at