Immigration Law
Friendly Nations Visa

Friendly Nations Visa
The Government of Panama created through Executive Decree No. 416 of June 13, 2012, recently amended by Executive Decree 226 of July 20, 2021, an immigration subcategory to grant permanent residence and work permits to citizens of countries that maintain friendly, economic, and professional and investment relations with Panama.
This subcategory of permanent resident will apply to citizens of the following countries:
This permanent resident permit may be obtained through any of the following forms:
1. By employment:
By providing a letter of employment issued by the employer certifying the position, salary, and commitment to assume repatriation expenses, the commercial license, and the Resolution approving the work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.
2. Investing in real estate property: Acquiring real estate in a personal capacity or in favor of a legal entity in which the applicant is the natural person, final beneficiary of the shares, contributions, or social security contributions of the company or founder and final beneficiary of a Private Interest Foundation, if the real estate has a minimum value of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS (US$200,000). The acquisition of the real estate may be financed through a local bank.
3. INVESTING IN A TIME DEPOSIT AT A LOCAL BANK: Consigning a fixed term deposit free of encumbrances, and with a minimum validity of three (3) years for a value not less than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS (US$200,000) at a local bank in Panama. This investment may be made personally by the applicant, by a legal entity in which the applicant is the natural person, final beneficiary of the shares, contributions, or social contributions of the company, or founder and final beneficiary of a Private Interest Foundation.
2. Investing in real estate property: Acquiring real estate in a personal capacity or in favor of a legal entity in which the applicant is the natural person, final beneficiary of the shares, contributions, or social security contributions of the company or founder and final beneficiary of a Private Interest Foundation, if the real estate has a minimum value of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS (US$200,000). The acquisition of the real estate may be financed through a local bank.
3. INVESTING IN A TIME DEPOSIT AT A LOCAL BANK: Consigning a fixed term deposit free of encumbrances, and with a minimum validity of three (3) years for a value not less than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS (US$200,000) at a local bank in Panama. This investment may be made personally by the applicant, by a legal entity in which the applicant is the natural person, final beneficiary of the shares, contributions, or social contributions of the company, or founder and final beneficiary of a Private Interest Foundation.
The benefits granted by this permit are the following:
- Grants indefinite permanent residence with the right to a Panamanian identification card after two (2) years of having obtained the provisional permanence
- Grants the right to request Work Permit once the Resolution of the National Service of Migration has been issued
- After five (5) years of having issued the Resolution granting the permanent resident permit grants the right to request Panamanian nationality
- Children under 18 years of age, disabled family members, and dependent parents may obtain their residence permit as dependents regardless of not being nationals of any of the countries mentioned above
- Holders of this resident permit will have access to a preferential line when entering the Tocumen International Airport in Panama